Why toe curl exercises will not improve your gait or running

Lately a lot of debate and research is going on about the strengthening of the intrinsic foot musculature (IFM). And what’s the effect on running for example.

First we need to ask ourself what is the real purpose of the feet for a human body. And how we want to improve this.

It’s important when choosing the right exercises and methods for this purpose. 

Foot function:

  • Is it the ability to curl the toes and to grab objects from the floor?

  • Or the ability to deliver a rigid lever during push-off-phase?

This is what Dr. Emily Splichal has to say about it: “With every step, the human foot must convert from a mobile adaptor at midstance to a rigid lever for propulsion. The faster the foot can become a rigid lever, the greater the power that is unleashed during propulsion.”

You can improve the strength of IFM in different ways, but that doesn’t mean it will have a transfer on your gait or running efficiency.

The stronger your biceps does not mean the harder you throw.

We need to train the feet integrated in the whole body. Curling your toes and grabbing stuff bipedal or in a seated position will not clear the task.

My favourite exercises for improving IFM are short foot and integrating this in single leg exercises!

We see a LOT MORE in the Barefoot Training Specialist Seminars.

Go check out www.ebfaglobal.com for your nearest seminar! We are international (Europe, Asia, US, Canada).

See you soon,


Anton Ghys